Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Stormproofed with a Slice of....

the Nike+ "Storm-proof" badge finally!!!
I got this way back in August, I've been trying to get this one for the longest time. Must have tagged a dozen or so runs each month since June(both using the Sportband & Nike+ Running App for a couple of months before I got it --- i think the latter earned it for me) . Nothing like running furiously in the rain ---trying not to get soaked too much (yeah, the nice thing about using the Nike+ Running app is you can "pause" it) while skipping from one "shelter" to another (downside: can't get your mobile device soaked) which accounts for the "fast" pace.

Yep...a piece of cake! ;)  

I took it slow and steady using the Sportband with this one---just my "walking pace". Really no need to tire myself out  since it was my birthday after all (I just wanted to get the badge too ;) . I also took the time to re-calibrate the Sportband's walking pace too since it was the 1st day of the month (hence, the "just walk" pace).

Hmmm...it does look really "irregular"...oh yeah...I had the dog with me!

Next target badges: The "Comfort Zone" badge (GPS-dependent) and a second Halloween Jack O Lantern badge (last day of October?)

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Anniversary Run

I just thought I'd do quick post for this one (good thing I remembered running today!).

One year ago! Aug 24th I started Running using Nike+ Sportband
Below is my original Nike+ Sportband: (with my minions from McDonald's! ;)
My McDonald's Minions with my Nike+ Sportband & My very 1st Nike+ shoe: the AirMax Edge (Note: I have long since sold both)

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Uncle Sam

What better way to start, and perhaps, end, my only post for this month than a Nike+ Badge right?!?

Right?!? (just nod your head)

This was "almost" anti-climactic coz we in the Nike+ community (sorry for you if got left out of this) we're kinda "expecting" this one (screw Nike+ Running's claims, more like excuses of "delighting us with surprises"  to paraphrase their catch phrase). Well, I almost didn't get mine....my internets conked out on me before I could synched up my 4th of July run...friggin Murphy's Law almost got me. (>_<)

Well almost, soooo without further ado and without the fireworks...I present:
Well yeah, I got it! Although I dunno about any friggin fireworks...and for some
reason, this didn't "pop out" and "surprised" me...oh well...

And ths is how I "got it":
See? a nice steady run..er..walk...i should have "sped up" a lot faster...
so the "spike" would have looked like the Washington Monument to commemorate
Independence Day ;-)

So that's that....Happy Uncle Sam day! (btw, I may just stay with my Uncle Sam --the real one for awhile so I may not be blogging that much anymore)  but keep on running badgers! (yeah, like you'd stop ;-)

PS: Btw, the next "event" badge would be in late October (30?) o November (01) It's the Jack O Lantern badge for Halloween if I'm not mistaken....so dont say I didnt give you enough info this time.
Now if I could just nail that Stormproof badge...<sigh>

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Just Silver

Well, it's now kind of "official" (as I am wrapping this blog, its already early July), the only new "achievement" I get for June is a shiny Silver Mile High trophy [for running 40kms or so but not over 80 in a month(?)] My first actually. And, I don't really know why....since Im pretty sure I always run over 100kms in a month...go figure. Must be a "cut-off" delay thingie. Anyways, the Silver Mile High Trophy comes with this uhmm.. cheer-quote:
"Hi Ho Silver. And Away You Go":
Now for those of you in the know, you might recognize that "Hi Ho Silver" from the American Classic...what?
Clue: It involves a Masked Cowboy, and an Indian...Silver is actually his horse

Who comes up with this? \(>_<)/ Anyways, Nike+ Running...you also owe me a Stormproof Badge!

Monday, June 24, 2013

June Jogs & Jinx(?)

I haven't been jogging the past couple weeks of June. Not more than my usual numbers anyways. I've already fallen behind (and on my behind ;-) in my Nike+ Friends standings (as of last time, I think I'm barely hanging in the top 5 :-( Although, over-all I think I'll catch up and still end up having more than 100 miles before the month ends (coz you know, that's how I roll :-P, er, run )

Sliced_Awe's Just June album on Photobucket
The reason(s) for this "pace" is quite calculated and uhm...charted. First, its been raining quite lot this month --at least 2-3x a week (quite heavily on some days). I wouldn't be able to use my GPS Phone App without it getting drenched. Also, because of this, the particular routes which I usually take (mostly by riverbanks) are sometimes,  outright un-passable (pics next week!). However, and again, because of these I have set my sights on the following "Achievements and Badges": 1) Stormproof Badge (shown below, thanks to Mr. Jon Fuller for screenshot---see? It does exist!) 2) Comfort Zone badge (i still have to look for an actual one) and 3) a Bronze Trophy (the only trophy I havent got in my collection...coz I always have lotsa runs that exceed 20kms a week)
I wonder who owns this one? I hope to get mine by this month's end
Do you hear me Nike+ Running!??

Well, I hope I don't "jinx" myself setting these badge goals in my blog like this (I think, I may already have :( "Running" my mouth...er, "expectations" like this. Anyways, I'll post some "picture stories" by month's end. Keep running badgers!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Hoorays in May!

Well, I got them early in May....two NikePlus Badges (one of which is really unexpected, the other I kinda worked my ass off running them trails the past couple of months ---but it was a pleasant experience...pics to follow! er, soon). Anyways, to recap: I got the Trail Mix or otherwise known as the Off-the-Beaten Path badge (I've been after it since March) and the El Fiesta or Cinco de Mayo badge (for running...duh...last May 5th...I think its an Mexican-American event...celebrated in the US). Like I said, the latter was really surprising since NikePlus Running has kinda "swore off" of sorts (through their FB Support page) that 2012-badges of these types of "date-specific" badges was "non-recurring" this year (like the New Year (Fireworks), Valentines (Choco-Heart) and Chinese (Dragon) New Year badges)...and that "new"/surprise badges will come out...so we'll just have to keep "running". Yeah...right...whatever! ;-( I think I just got lucky and synched up in time to get that "extra" supposedly "non-recurring" badge...so Hooray for me! But still...Boo for NikePlus for this "mis-information" (I'm saying this for those of you who didn't get your El Fiesta badge coz...you didnt think it'll count last May 5th and missed out). Anyways, here's how my NikePlus Trophy case looks like at this time:
These are all I got as of late May-early June 2013 ;-)

I know, not bad but....I'm still smarting from not getting the other "date-specific" badges ;-( but I'll keep on "badgering" about them in here (yeah, like it'll work). In the meantime, I'm setting my sights on a couple of badges this June: 1) The Storm Proof badge (its the blue one with the cloud and raindrop/snowflake) and 2) The "Comfort Zone" badge (its the one with the green couch/sofa). The Storm Proof badge supposedly could be gotten by "running in the rain or snow" at least 5x. While the Comfort Zone could be nailed down by "running repeatedly the same route...uhmm...at least 10x?". I have to check that, but I do know that they do get awarded (eventually) as I've seen some of my "NikePlus friends" getting them recently (I think). Well, that's it for now fellow badgers! I'll be looking for my "trail pics".

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Cinco de Mayo!!!!

I was "hot on the trail" of badges this May (since March actually)....so it doesnt really "surprise" me to get these two in the bag:

Uhmm...I don't really have a sombrero nor a splendid moustache like that.....but I think Im getting both! ;-)

Hmmm... a sombrero and  moustache would really be cool running on them trails.... it'll kinda look weird though :-{

Nahhh...who am I kidding!?....I am pleasantly surprised to get these badges! Thanks Nike+!!!

So, these badges are on again?!?